Orders and payments

You can choose to pay (directly online) in various ways. We are currently using:

After completion of the payment process with one of the payment providers you will be redirected to our website. Payment takes place securely via the payment environment. In order to make use of these services you have to register once as a user. Following this, you can choose from the most common payment methods.

Of course you can also pay by means of a transfer. If you choose this option, the order will not be accepted until we have received your payment. We would advise you to send us a print screen of the payment transfer as soon as you have wired the payment. We will then reserve the relevant item for you.

Our business information

  • IBAN: NL94 INGB 0674 585992
  • COC number: 83089187
  • VAT number: NL 8627.22.020.B01

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We are available today
until 17:30h (CET)

+31 (0)43 358 11 55